The Mandela Effect is a theory put forth by writer and “paranormal consultant” Fiona Broome that shared false memories are in fact glimpses into parallel worlds with different timelines. 

Has a shift in conciousness occurred? 
There are many, many people who are aware of a shift that has occurred in conciousness, having memories of things that do not add up to their current realities. 

One of the greatest examples is that of the world map! 

For those that are concious of a shift they know that things have changed. 

To suddenly realise that the map of the world has changed has shocked many.  

Imagine waking in the morning to find that your car is a different colour than when you went to bed!  When questioning this, those around you consider you to be insane!  

Like waking one day to find that South America has moved a few hundred miles to the right on the world map and is now closer to the continent of Africa.  

Many would argue that land masses move and that maps change.  Or that there is a internet conspiracy and things are being deliberately changed.  

This theory falls flat on its face to those who chose to follow their inner voice and knowledge further.  For it is not just technical devices that are showing these changes but also physically.  

For those experiencing a shift the same changes appearing on the Internet are also appearing in their physical reality, like when picking up a world atlas that you may have owned for many years and see it too has changed. 
Is this chocolate bar any different to you? 

There are many examples of changes that have occurred and more appearing daily. 

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar 
Sex in the City
Interview with a Vampire 
The list goes on ....

So have those that have no memory of any change gone through the same experience? Or has nothing actually changed in their reality?  

For those of us that are awakened or awakening hasn't that always been the case?  

Haven't you always glimpsed ino the unknown and areas where others have feared to tread.  Haven't you always had an inner-sense that others ridiculed?  

This is no different. 

It's an awakening!! 

It is those that see that are seeing and those that are asleep that are still sleeping.  

As we move forward now the prompts are getting stronger and many more will AWAKEN!

Is it possible that those of us that have experienced the Mandela Effect have shifted time lines to assist the alternative realities awakening from globalist control?  

The tilt the scales of balance of the masses that would have otherwise been enslaved into a globalist agenda.  

Maybe we will never know but we do know but those of us that have experienced the effect know something has changed. 

Mandela Effect Jet Engine’s 
